Shipping from USA, Austria, Japan, & Australia
A black tea pot with white tea cups on a wooden bench

Want to get in touch?

Interested in learning more about how we source, make or package our organic Japanese matcha?

Let us know if you have any questions, are interested in our wholesale products, or just want to say ‘Hi’!


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Premium Health Japan WhatsApp QR code


Company Profile

Trading Name: 株式会社プレミアムヘルスジャパン (Premium Health Japan Co. Ltd.)

Corporate Corporation No: 5011101098174

EU VAT: FR47981757123


Our Locations


USA Warehouse:

807 Airport Access Road
Traverse City, MI 49686

Austria Warehouse:

Am Campus 2 / Objekt Beta 6C, 2431 Enzersdorf an der Fischa

Australia Warehouse:

35 Killara Street,
Box Hill North,
Victoria, Australia, 3129

Japan Warehouse:

501 Kaizuka Reeplex R's, 
3-9-21, Wakihama, Kaizuka City,
Osaka, Japan, 597-0073

Get in touch with Premium Health Japan

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