Matcha vs Green Tea: Surprising Differences Explained

Posted on ديسمبر 19 2023, By: Luke Alcock

Side-by-side comparison of Matcha powder with bamboo whisk and steeping green tea with leaves

Discover the world of matcha and green tea, two superfoods derived from the Camellia sinensis tea plant. Although they share a common ancestry, they differ in flavor, texture, color, and preparation.


Matcha, a finely ground powder, offers a robust experience when whisked into a frothy brew, while green tea provides a delicate infusion in loose leaves or bags.


Learn about their distinct characteristics, from cultivation methods to health benefits, and choose the tea that resonates best with your palate and health goals.


Understanding the Basics


Before we delve into the differences between matcha and green tea, let's take a moment to understand the basics of these two teas.


Matcha Powder vs Regular Green Tea: A Detailed Comparison


Matcha, also called matcha green tea, is a bright green powder made from shaded green tea leaves. The leaves are harvested, steamed, dried, and then ground into a fine powder. High-quality matcha is known for its vibrant green color and distinct umami flavor, which sets it apart from other types of tea.


Regular green tea, on the other hand, is available in various forms like tea bags, loose-leaf tea, and sometimes as green tea powder. It is steeped in hot water, allowing the flavors to infuse the liquid. Unlike matcha, which is made from the whole tea leaf, regular green tea is made by steeping the tea leaves in hot water and then discarding the leaves.


The Leaves Behind the Brew


Both matcha and regular green tea are derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The distinction lies in their treatment and processing methods, which we will explore further.


The Making: Processing and Preparation


Growth and Harvesting: Shading vs Sun-Growing


Matcha undergoes a unique shading process three to four weeks before it is harvested. By covering the tea bushes and restricting sunlight exposure, the tea leaves develop higher chlorophyll levels. This contributes to their bright green color. The tea leaves also develop higher levels of amino acids, particularly l-theanine, which gives matcha its distinctive umami flavor.


Regular green tea, on the other hand, is usually sun-grown, leading to a different flavor profile and antioxidant composition. Regular green tea also contains amino acids such as l-theanine but in lower amounts. Tea leaves exposed to sunlight throughout the growth period and harvest time develop high levels of antioxidants, known as catechins.


Matcha tea under shading cloth versus sunlit green tea bushes


Preparation Techniques


Matcha Preparation: Involving a bamboo matcha whisk (chasen) and a matcha bowl (chawan), preparing matcha is an art. The fine powder is whisked with hot water to create a frothy, smooth beverage. The Japanese tea ceremony, also known as chanoyu, involves the process of whisking matcha as an essential step.


Green Tea Brewing: Making a cup of green tea is simpler. It involves steeping the leaves or a teabag in hot water, allowing the flavors to gently infuse. The temperature and steeping time vary depending on the variety of green tea used, but generally, it is recommended to brew green tea at a lower temperature than black tea to avoid bitterness.


Matcha whisking in bowl on left, simple green tea brewing on right


Nutritional Profiles: Matcha vs Green Tea


Antioxidants and Health


Both matcha and green tea are rich in antioxidant properties, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), known for fighting free radicals and reducing cell damage. The concentration of antioxidants is higher in matcha due to the whole tea leaf being in powder form, making it a more potent source.


Weight Loss and Beyond


Numerous studies have suggested both matcha and green tea aid in weight loss and improve cognitive function. They are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Another benefit of matcha is that it contains a compound called l-theanine, which has a calming effect on the brain, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.


Caffeine Content: Energy and Effects


The caffeine content of matcha (about 60 mg of caffeine per cup) is higher than regular green tea, providing a significant energy boost. This is something to consider for those sensitive to caffeine's effects.


Vitamin and Mineral Content


Matcha, due to the ingestion of the whole leaf, boasts a higher concentration of nutrients like Vitamin C and minerals compared to regular green tea. Matcha also contains a significant amount of chlorophyll, which is a natural detoxifier and helps to remove toxins from the body.


Visual comparison of Matcha and green tea's antioxidants, caffeine, and nutrients


Flavor Profiles and Uses


Tasting the Difference


Matcha's Strong Flavor: Known for its robust, earthy flavor, matcha is a favorite in matcha lattes and green tea ice cream. The flavor of matcha can vary depending on the quality of the tea, with higher quality matcha having a more complex and nuanced flavor.


Green Tea's Subtlety: Regular green tea offers a gentler, more soothing taste, perfect for relaxation. The flavor of green tea can also vary depending on the variety used, with some having a more vegetal or grassy flavor, while others are more floral or nutty.


Culinary Uses of Matcha


Beyond drinking, Matcha's unique flavor and color make it a popular ingredient in baking and cooking, adding a healthy twist to various dishes. Matcha can be used to make everything from cakes and cookies to smoothies and salad dressings.


Contrast of Matcha's robust flavor in lattes and baking with Green Tea's subtle taste in a cup


Types and Varieties


Exploring Green Tea Varieties


Apart from the popular varieties such as sencha, gyokuro, and bancha, many other types of green tea are worth exploring.

Another type, hojicha, is a roasted green tea that has a nutty, caramel-like taste.

Genmaicha is a green tea that is blended with roasted brown rice, giving it a toasty, nutty flavor.

Lastly, kukicha also known as bōcha, is a green tea made from the stems, stalks, and twigs of the tea plant, and it has a mild, slightly sweet taste.


Assortment of green teas: Sencha, Gyokuro, Bancha, roasted Hojicha, rice-blended Genmaicha, and twiggy Kukicha


Matcha Grades: Ceremonial, Premium, Culinary


The quality of the matcha depends on the cultivar of the tea plant used, as well as the cultivation, harvesting, and processing techniques. Here's how the different cultivars and techniques relate to the three main grades of matcha:


Ceremonial Grade Matcha:


  • Made from the first spring harvest, known as ichibancha
  • Uses only the youngest, most tender tea leaves, which are shade-grown for several weeks before harvest
  • Stone-ground into a fine powder for a smooth, creamy texture
  • Has a vibrant green color and a delicate, complex flavor
  • Ideal for traditional tea ceremonies and drinking straight
  • The most expensive grade of matcha due to its high quality and limited availability


Premium Grade Matcha:


  • Made from a blend of first and second-harvested matcha
  • May be made from a variety of cultivars, however the Yabukita cultivar is a popular choice
  • Offers the nuanced flavors of the first harvest but also contains some bitterness, so is best for making matcha lattes or combining with other ingredients
  • Stone-ground into a fine powder for a smooth texture


Culinary Grade Matcha:


  • Made from later harvests and older tea leaves that are not as tender or flavorful
  • Ideal for cooking and baking due to its slightly less delicate flavor
  • Ground into its powder form by machine for high-volume production
  • May be made from a variety of cultivars, depending on the region the tea leaves are grown in


Overall, the cultivar, cultivation, harvesting, and processing techniques used for matcha all affect the final quality and grade of the product. The first spring harvest, known as ichibancha, is reserved for ceremonial grade matcha, while premium grade matcha may be a mix of first and second-harvested matcha. Culinary grade matcha is made from later harvests and older tea leaves and is ideal for cooking and baking.


Different Matcha grades: Ceremonial's vibrant green, Premium's varied hue, Culinary's muted tone


Cultural Significance


The Art of Japanese Tea Ceremony


Central to the Japanese tea ceremony, matcha isn't just a drink but a symbol of tradition, respect, and art. This ritual, deeply rooted in Japanese culture, highlights the ceremonial importance of Matcha. The tea ceremony, known as chanoyu, is a choreographed event that involves the preparation and serving of matcha, accompanied by a traditional Japanese sweet.


Green Tea in Various Cultures


Regular green tea, with its wide reach, plays various roles in different cultures, often linked with health, wellness, and social rituals. In Chinese culture, green tea is believed to have medicinal properties and is often used in traditional medicine. In India, chai tea, which is made by steeping black tea with spices and herbs, is a popular beverage that is enjoyed throughout the day.


Green tea in Chinese medicinal setting on left, Indian chai tea with spices on right


Key Differences: A Recap


Preparation: Matcha involves a unique process of whisking, whereas regular green tea is simply steeped.

Nutritional Profile: Matcha generally has a higher concentration of nutrients and antioxidants.

Flavor: Matcha is more robust and earthy, while regular green tea is milder and more subtle.

Caffeine Content: Matcha has more caffeine, offering a more significant energy boost.


Side-by-side comparison of Matcha powder with bamboo whisk and steeping green tea with leaves




Matcha and green tea are two of the most beloved types of tea worldwide, enjoyed for their unique flavors and health benefits. Whether you prefer the robust flavor of matcha or the soothing taste of green tea, both beverages have something to offer. So, the next time you're craving a cup of tea, consider trying matcha or regular green tea and discover why these two teas have captivated tea enthusiasts all over the globe.